Tuesday, August 17, 2010

day by day.

Women's Health magazine put out a list of the best supermarket finds called, "125 Best Packaged Foods for Women." It's a really great reference because I'm always the one standing in the aisle at the grocery store reading labels and comparing which product is better, so this list is perfect for me. If you are interested in looking at it or printing your own copy, you can find it here:

Two of my new favorite things happen to be on the list - IzzeEsque soda (I had peach)...

...and SmartFood Honey Multigrain Popcorn Clusters.

And guys don't worry, these foods are perfectly fine for you as well : )

in other news.

Today is day 9 of my meat free challenge, AND day 1 of half marathon training! I've slipped a lot since my half marathon run in 2008, so I need to get back in shape. I can easily run a 5K (3.1 miles) without any sort of training, but I'm going to need some help for 13.1 miles. I chose a training schedule that includes running, walking, cross and strength training. This is a quicker way to get up my mileage (only 8 weeks), than my previous half marathon schedule which only included running. We shall see if it works. Here is what my first week looks like:

Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Walk/Run 2 miles
Wednesday - X-train (cycling for 30 min)
Thursday - Walk/Run 2 miles
Friday - X-train (cycling & strength)
Saturday - Walk/Run 2 miles
Sunday - Walk/Run 2 miles

An easy week to get back into the swing of things.

Today would also have been my grandmother's birthday.
happy birthday, grandma! i love and miss you a ton. muah!

(Oh, and my anniversary at work.) Big day.

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