Monday, September 13, 2010

shiver me timbers!

Never underestimate the power of music. It can lift your spirits almost immediately. For those of you that listen to the radio on your morning commute, I suggest you stop. The radio is full of people complaining about what day it is, about going to work, about the junk that is going on in the world - not a very nice way to start your day. Put on music that honestly makes you happy. Take few moments to relax and enjoy yourself, it'll make a world of difference.

My happiness today was provided by The Postal Service. Their only album, Give Up is by far my most favorite thing in this world.

I'm glad I took those 20 minutes to relax, for today is proving to be quite hectic. Bleck.

in other news....
I had a pretty great weekend.

Started off with a five mile run Friday night. I was so motivated all day by other healthy/runner blogs I follow, I couldn't wait to get to it.

I couldn't tell you the last time I ran five miles, I want to say it was late last year. I took it slow to preserve my energy to get through it. I aimed for 52 minutes but came in at 53 (~10.60/mile). Finishing is more important, but I really must work on my speed. After an injury that took me out for a few days, I say I did good!

Paparazzo kept me company.

Refueled with some delicious pasta and salad. Yums.

Saturday morning I made pumpkin oatmeal. Since I had that pumpkin left over from the biscuits I decided to use a bit in my morning cereal. I must say, it was pretty tasty.

  • 1/2 c. Quaker Multi Grain Hot Cereal
  • 3/4 c. water
  • pumpkin puree
  • brown sugar
  • dash cinnamon
Make oatmeal according to directions and add flavors to taste.

It's hard to tell, but there is a delicious orange hue.

This also got me thinking about pumpkin oatmeal cookies. Definitely keep an eye out for those in the future.

sunday funday.
The gang hosted a Pirate Scavenger Hunt/Goonies Party yesterday to celebrate the hostess' trip to Oregon and Talk Like a Pirate day on September 19. I say, success! Seems everyone involved had a fun time. Clues were hidden all over Mayfield Village, and they were all Pirate/Goonie themed with a Back to the Future/DeLorean clue thrown in there (I mean if you have a DeLorean parked by your house, you must take advantage.)

A scavenger hunt is a great idea for a party. Gets people moving and laughing, with lots of silly photos...

best. picture. ever.
thanks friends!

International Talk Like a Pirate Day is only 6 days away! How will you celebrate?

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